Turn the page on financial stress.

No Stigma, No Shame

When people consult an estate planning attorney, they are considered savvy. They are commended for thinking about their future. Society applauds them. Estate planning attorneys, tax attorneys, and accountants help people save money by deferring, avoiding, or reducing taxation. Why wouldn’t you use every tool at your disposal to protect your assets, save money, and avoid costly legal proceedings for your heirs?

When people consult an attorney regarding financial stress and bankruptcy, they are stigmatized. They are frowned-upon for being profligate. Society condemns them as failures. People filing for bankruptcy protection often view themselves in the same way; they are ashamed and blame themselves for their economic circumstances. While some people make bad financial decisions or spend beyond their means, in most cases their situation is caused by events outside their control –

    • Natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, etc.)

    • Global pandemics

    • Accidents

    • Sickness

    • Being laid off

    • Medical bills

    • Caring for others (aging parents, sick relatives, children with special needs, etc.)

    • A family member or spouse’s death

    • A divorce

    • A failed business

Bankruptcy attorneys provide a legal and ethical solution to help people in financial difficulty; they help people gain control of their finances and the direction of their lives.

Where Does Bankruptcy Come From?

Where Does Bankruptcy Come From?

Protection of Debtor and Creditor Interests. Bankruptcy was originally for the protection of creditors. It was a structured method for creditors to reclaim their debts instead of sending people to debtor’s prison as was the practice under the British. It has evolved...

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Bankruptcy Overview

Bankruptcy Overview

Chapter 7 is known as “liquidation” or “straight” bankruptcy.  It is for individuals and businesses. The goal for individuals is to ”discharge” their debts and get a ”fresh start.”  The goal for a businesses is to provide an orderly process to close-down operations. ...

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